Kids’ Show Review

Good morning moms. I’ve wanted to do this post for a while and haven’t had an opportunity until now. As Dorian is getting older, he’s starting to show interest in more shows than just Mickey Mouse Club House. And as his mom, it’s my job to determine whether he’s allowed to watch it or not. Continue reading “Kids’ Show Review”

Mom Guilt

Hey moms. This post is going to be short because I am still recovering from a writing conference I was lucky enough to attend. This last week I was fortunate enough to attend an online writing conference put on by the Women in Publishing Summit. But a lot of mom guilt surrounded my attendance. SomeContinue reading “Mom Guilt”


Good morning moms! I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day last weekend.   But, you know, speaking of Valentines Day and the romantic feelings and date nights that brings around, I wanted to talk about ways I unwind and decompress from my daily life of being a mom and find out from you: how doContinue reading “Resetting”

Toddler Bed Training

Good morning, my fabulous group of moms and dads. If your kiddo is in the same age range as mine, you might be looking at moving them into a toddler bed. And if you’re anything like me, you’re likely terrified to do it. Maybe you have no idea what to expect or where to start.Continue reading “Toddler Bed Training”

2022 Family Centered Resolutions

When I think about resolutions and goals for the year 2022 (or any new year, really) I don’t really think about anyone besides myself. That is, I didn’t, until I got a five year mom journal that asked me what my resolution for my family was this year. Now, I got this in the yearContinue reading “2022 Family Centered Resolutions”

Discipline and Toddlers

As we enter the new year of 2022 and say goodbye to a super stressful 2021, a lot of parents are struggling with their new toddlers (it’s me. I’m a lot of parents.) especially as they gain opinions and the stubbornness to oppose you adamantly. One thing that I think a lot of parents (includingContinue reading “Discipline and Toddlers”

Chores for Toddlers

As our children get older and more independent, us parents start anxiously counting down the days until the moment we don’t have to clean the kitchen anymore and instead we can ruin our teenagers’ lives with dish duty after dinner.  But, that thought starts sprouting some other thoughts. Chore charts. Allowances. And how to actuallyContinue reading “Chores for Toddlers”

Snacks for Baby When You Travel

Good morning Moms (and Dads) as you may be enjoying your first (or fifth) cup of coffee. First, apologies for my unannounced hiatus from the blog. I had to focus on writing my book for a month, which didn’t go quite as planned, but you can read all about that on my writing blog inContinue reading “Snacks for Baby When You Travel”

Out With The Old, In With The New

When you have kids (especially when you have more than one) the toys can really start piling up. Between birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and all the other ‘I saw this and thought they’d like it’ moments, kids get a ton of stuff. And it can really start to overrun your house. So what do you doContinue reading “Out With The Old, In With The New”

2nd Birthday

Have you ever gone along, minding your own business, and then wake up one morning to find your little baby is a proper kid now? That’s what I felt like when my son turned two. It’s like we had his birthday party and all of a sudden he was this grown little man with sentencesContinue reading “2nd Birthday”

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